Equine Acupuncture Charts

Equine Acupuncture Charts

Tables / Charts for all people who are interested in acupuncture or acupressure.

For veterinarians and other horse professionals as well as for lay people.

Very good illustrations and texts for locating the acupuncture points.

Backsides with indications and many details!

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100 Akupunkturpunkte beim Pferd 2020

45.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

120 Syndrome Pferd 2020

20.00 *
Still in stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

130 Pferd Sonderset 2020

20.00 *
Still in stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture

16 user-friendly laminated acupuncture charts for equine acupuncture,

with detailed locations, indications, needeling details & specifics

45.00 *

Kolik beim Pferd

13.00 *

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture - Download

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture

Download now!

Charts for equine acupuncture, with detailed locations, indications, needeling details & specifics

35.00 *


15.00 *
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