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Welcome to Bullitor Acupuncture Charts for Horses and Dogs.

Learn about Location and Use of Equine and Canine Acupuncture Points.

Our charts include the most important and common acupuncture points in horses and dogs.

- for veterinarians interested in acupuncture and TCM

- and for lay people, who want to keep their animals healthy.


By using our charts it will be easy to locate the acupuncture points.


All charts are laminated and come in handy Din A4 format.


Acupuncture training material / educational charts during apprenticeship.


Suitable for everyday practice.


Our charts will help you to treat your patients reasonnable.

Important Points in Horse Acupuncture - Standard Set

Acupuncture Points for Horses - Extra Set

Important Points in Dog Acupuncture - Standard Set

Acupuncture Points for Dogs - Extra Set

110 Akupunkturtafeln Hund Standard 2020

45.00 *
Still in stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

130 Pferd Sonderset 2020

20.00 *
Still in stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

150 Hund Extra 2020

20.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

120 Syndrome Pferd 2020

20.00 *
Still in stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

140 Hund Syndrome 2020

20.00 *
In stock
can be shipped within 3-5 days

Akupunkturatlas Pferd

89.00 *
In stock

Kolik beim Pferd

13.00 *


15.00 *

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture

16 user-friendly laminated acupuncture charts for equine acupuncture,

with detailed locations, indications, needeling details & specifics

45.00 *

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture - Download

Equine Acupuncture Charts - Important Points in Horse Acupuncture

Download now!

Charts for equine acupuncture, with detailed locations, indications, needeling details & specifics

35.00 *

Muskulatur des Hundes Lernkarten

35.00 *
In stock


79.00 *


35.00 *


15.00 *


15.00 *
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